Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Words

On our vacation Braden said a few words I didn't even know he knew. 

When we got to the dock and saw the water, he pointed and said, "Ocean!"
When we got on the ship, he said, "Boat!"

When I gave him the pail and shovel at the beach, he said, "Shovel!"

I may have Dora the Explorer or Nick Jr. to thank but I'd like to think it's my brilliant parenting ;-). 

He said all of those things without us saying them right before. 
Kids really are listening when you think they aren't!  So smart!

When we got home there have been two things he says that he got from the ship:

"Awesome!"  from Crush at The Animators Palette so we like to follow it up with "DUDE!"

and "Ice cream cone!" from the many ice cream cones we had on deck. 
 Now he turns just about everything into an ice cream cone and licks it!

Tomorrow I have a great visual idea planned that I'm sure Warren thinks is positively ridiculous. 
Come back and see what YOU think!

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