Saturday, January 24, 2015

"Happy Birthday, Dear Braden"

5 years ago we welcomed this little guy into the world!
We had a wonderful all day celebration. The kids had dentist appointments and Braden even got to pick out a present there - a pin ball machine.

One of our birthday traditions for the kids is to let them open one present first thing in the morning - new clothes ☺️.  It has become a tradition for Braden's cakes to have beloved characters on top. This year he chose "Frozen" but when he heard it was an ice cream cake he was apprehensive. I assured him there was actual cake in it as well. (Get it? A"frozen" cake...)

After seeing the cake, any qualms were quickly forgotten. He decided he needed a BIG piece before he even tasted it and, of course, he loved it!🎉
We had a "happy birthday" banner up, and, curious to see if he knew what it said, Warren asked him. He responded, "Happy Birthday, dear Braden." 😉

😘 Note to Hailey:
Don't forget your birthday was a 2 day celebration/week-long vacation in your favorite place in the whole world at Grandmas and grandpas. Love you,too!

1 comment:

Amber Harden said...

Glad to see Braden doing so much better. Happy 5th birthday!