Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Plans Change

Originally at this time I was supposed to be in Denver anxiously awaiting an end to these 3 long weeks.  Plans, however, changed a couple days ago when I heard from Warren and he told me their flight out of Samoa was cancelled. 

You can imagine the chaos that caused on his end trying to get new flights for 22 teenagers and the adult chaperones he was with.  There just aren't a whole lot of flights to choose from with that many seats. 

Since then his plans have changed numerous times and I can't even be sure what day it is in my end of the world let alone know for sure if what I heard last is what is actually going to happen.  It sounds like their travel agent has been busy trying to help out, but, well - I have to wonder if this is going to put a damper on his love of travel. 

Last I heard he did make it to Fiji.  I just want to hear that he is in Los Angeles because then I will be able to text and call.  I can't imagine living out these past couple of days in airports.  

If anyone is interested in hearing about what they did while there and seeing a few pictures of the sites of Samoa (and Warren sporting his lovely lava lava) here is a blog that one of the chaperones kept while there: Samoa Adventure - 2013

But don't worry about us.  We are going strong and keeping busy.  I don't have any extra kids so we are filling our time with friends and fun.  We went to see the movie "Frozen" tonight.  Loved it! 
Happy New Year Everyone!

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