Sunday, January 12, 2014

Counting the Days

Too many cucumbers are too much fun!
Warren did finally make it back.  Only to leave a few days later for an annual event in Denver.  Yep.  This time last year I had printed off a calendar for the year and taped it to the side of the fridge.  I was going to block off all the days he was gone just so I could put a percentage to it.  It was way to depressing so I took it down.   Now he will be busy planning his next trip to Samoa at the end of this year.  It makes me wonder what lies beyond that for him.  Possibly Peru.

I am busy counting down the days to our Disney Cruise.  62.

Anyway, I've decided I need to pour myself in to creative endeavors or possibly lose my mind.

Hopefully more on that later.

The creative endeavors, not losing my mind.  That is not an option :).

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