Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Well, I've heard once from Warren.  A brief phone call that was cut off.  From our short conversation I gathered that the Internet is inadequate there and it is very hot.

Since he's been gone we are definitely keeping busy thanks to surprise birthday party preparations for Hailey, 5th grade homework with a 3 year old feeling like he's being left out, wrapping and unwrapping pretend presents to keep that 3 year old entertained, visits from neighbors and friends - including one I've known since before jr. high, cooking and baking for Christmas and birthday parties, and shopping for, making, and wrapping Christmas presents - to name just a few things.  Oh, and we lost a chicken.  So long as I don't lose any children we'll call it a success.

But, really, we are doing great.  Hope everyone else is doing good, too!

Hopefully I'll be back in a few days with pictures of Hailey's birthday...

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