Sunday, December 8, 2013

An Early Christmas

We threw a Bon Voyage Christmas Party tonight for Warren.  We had our usual dinner, sang favorite Christmas songs (Braden's is The Little Drummer Boy and Hailey's is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer), played games and everyone got to open one present.
He leaves in just two days for Samoa, leaving temperatures as low as -25 to arrive at temperatures easily 100 degrees hotter.  When he first told me about this opportunity (over a year ago) I'll admit I was very sad to think he would miss so much: Hailey's birthday, Christmas, our 20th wedding anniversary and New Years.  But.  Well.  How can he not take this chance to travel and see a brand new place, bringing amazing youth who will be changed forever from this experience? He is going to absolutely fall in love with the Samoan people and their culture and I am proud to be married to such an remarkable man. 
Really, the time is simply going to fly by with everything going on.  And we only have a couple months until we leave on our cruise.  Yes.  He's making this up to us in a big way! 
I will be back soon to fill you in on his adventures and how we are passing the time.

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