Friday, May 24, 2013

Allergy Test

Well, the No Sugar Challenge ended early for me.  I made it for 2 weeks.  During that time we tried to buy a house but the contract fell through.  I'm amazed I was able to make it through the stress of that.  But then sickness arrived at our house, Warren had to travel for work, and yadda, yadda....I will be trying again if I can't pull it together soon!

Between Braden's bouts with asthma and his frequent allergic reactions life can be stressful.  Here are a couple pictures from his allergy test last week.

 I took the pictures for him so he could see what was happening and why he we so crazy-itchy but couldn't touch his back.  Poor baby....

The "R" is for rabbits and he is very allergic to them.  He is also allergic to feathers - anybody want a parakeet that Hailey could visit occasionally?  He is allergic to both of her pets!  We knew about the rabbit but it's good to know about the bird, too.  Poor Hailey, she has not had good luck with her pets.  Maybe we just need a fish.

As for the rest of the dots - we found out he is quite allergic to several other things like weeds and trees, but I'm so relieved he's not allergic at all to mites.  Go figure....

And now we have found another house we would like to buy so I'm having to keep our house show-ready.  Keeping a house clean with kids around is - well...impossible.  I will come up for air and be back here when I have news...

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