Friday, March 9, 2012

What's Working: WRITING

Before I lost these last 5 pounds I had lost about 10 (over 10 months ago). Those were pounds I put on simply from the combination of being in chronic pain and unable to exercise. I have really struggled with these five pounds! Up and down. Back and forth. Strange to think that I've finally broken free of that weight after all that time of "trying". I never want to see or feel that extra weight again so I'm looking at what's working to keep my focus and motivation.

Writing Works!

Whether it's
or actually
sitting down and really thinking
about my goals
and the reasons for them
- writing is definitely good for weight loss. 

Blogging About Weight Loss
I'll admit that deciding to blog was a hard step for me.  "What will people think?" 

Not that more than 3 or 4 people regularly read my blog!  But they come here for the kids. "Who wants to hear my ramblings and random thoughts?"  And let's not forget, "What if I'm not successful?" 

But does it really matter what other people think?  All in all, I'm glad I did!  It's really helped me to be accountable.  And just maybe it will help someone else.  Or maybe help someone who has never been overweight to understand how difficult the process can be.  A little motivation to keep weight in check or compassion for those in our lives who struggle with these issues could go a long way.

If you would like to blog about your weight loss journey there are a few options.  Of course, I've used because it's easy to use and free (not that paying a little is bad - it may even help you to stay more motivated).  I've even started to post from my phone with Blogger's mobile version and have found it to work great.  There are a lot more themes with and some people seem to really prefer it over Blogger.

Another option is Blog To Lose.  It is a site made up specifically of weight loss bloggers all helping each other to reach their goals.  The community reminds me of  My Fitness Pal which also provides a space for you to blog.

Keeping a Food Journal
At first I wrote what I ate and logged the calories. Most days. It certainly helps with awareness. But now I'm backing off and seeing what happens. I know they say that writing every morsel increases your chances at weight loss, but as long as I'm losing and feeling good about the way I'm eating, I'm letting myself off the hook unless I start gaining or hit a plateau. Being in tune with my body's needs is my ultimate goal, not to be on a diet the rest of my life and have to count calories. Will this strategy continue to work? Time will tell...

Writing Down Clear Goals
I think many times this is either done too hastily or not at all.  There's a lot to consider:
  • What is a healthy weight for me?
  • Why do I need to lose weight?
  • Why do I want to lose weight?
  • How will my life change if I reach my weight loss goal?
  • What will happen if I don't reach my goals?
  • How do I plan on staying motivated daily?
  • How will I measure my progress?
  • What deadline is reasonable?

Write it all down.

Study and take notes from reliable sources if you're not sure about some things.

Review your goals daily and your reasons for needing to lose weight often! 

And it isn't set in stone.  There's nothing to say you can't re-evaluate along the way. 

I set a clear and easy goal of losing only a pound a week until June. That pushes me back into the high end of the "healthy" weight category on the BMI chart. After that I'll consider what I want to happen next. (After major celebration, of course ;-).)

I'll continue
next week
with several more things
that are working for me!
(Oh, and maybe a picture or two of my cute kiddos!)

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