Saturday, January 23, 2010

Plus 1!

Okay. Where to start? A couple months ago I took my blogs down. I had a few. A couple were for the sole purpose of advertising our willingness to adopt and share the journey. After a discouraging failed placement I took them all down. It just got so depressing.

So I thought I'd change my focus, baby steps, so-to-speak, to move on. The very day I set this blog up I got an e-mail from my adoption agency. It was a general e-mail to all their families, but it made me think I may need to make the official call to let them know we were done. But I couldn't muster the courage. All I've ever wanted was to be a mom. We've waited for almost 4 years. So this was Monday.

Tuesday I got a call from a caseworker to tell me about a birthmother that would like to meet us who was due on Feb. 6th. All along we were cautioned about the strong possibility of her changing her mind due to unique circumstances.

Wednesday we met her. At the end of the meeting she asked us if we would like to take the baby stuff from her home because it was making her sad. BIG step forward but still too hard to hope too much. We went home and prepared our daughter for a possible meeting with her next week since she wanted to see us with her.

Thursday I got a call that said her water broke and she would be induced! She wanted us there. We rushed to get ready for the two hour drive and at least a couple nights stay, dropping off our daughter halfway where grandma and grandpa picked her up.

She gave birth to a boy 2 minutes before midnight. Here is a short video of that first hour of his life:

We brought him home today! As we rounded the corner to our house I told my husband that our house is about to feel a lot smaller. Downsizing is still necessary but for such a different reason.

I'm amazed, stunned, grateful, and soooo happy.

What is it about letting go - - TRULY letting go, that makes things happen? You hear stories all the time about people getting pregnant once they've let go of the extreme desire and just get ready to move on. It makes sense because of the stress. How is it that it works in this case as well?

So here we go. 3 Heartbeats (which was so named because I was trying to convince myself that that is enough and that's okay)--- 3 Heartbeats Plus 1 amazing miracle!

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