Sunday, January 27, 2013

Braden Turns 3!

These are a few of his favorite things...
Super Mario Brothers
Playing the Wii

...just kidding. 
Sort of.
Okay - He's obsessed.
We got the Wii the end of October.  He's better than I am - which isn't saying much maybe but I think it's crazy that an almost 3 year old can play this.  This month he wasn't allowed to play much until he learned how to use the toilet.  Worked like a charm. 

Here's a short video of him playing last month.  I tried to get some clips to show how "into" it he is.  He ducks, turns, jumps - and notice the way he holds the remote, not the typical horizontal way.

1 comment:

Stephanie Hardin said...

That is hilarious! Joseph was trying to play that game today and was getting quite frustrated!