Monday, March 12, 2012


{Week 5}
Today I weighed in at almost 2 pounds down. 

I had to do it twice because I couldn't believe it. 

It's been a busy, stressful weekend for me and I don't feel like I've been focused enough.  But I like what I see
- it's not a number I've seen since before Braden was born! 
So I guess I'll keep with the plan this week
and keep thinking about what's helping me to lose weight.




Thinking Positively

Getting and keeping my head in the game can be tricky between the day in-day out of
sick kids,
lack of sleep,
me being sick,
husband traveling,
time management,
household chores,
behavior management,
pain management,
 kids extra-curricular activities*gasp*

I think you get the picture.

Yes, I think I obviously need to find some "me" time - BUT, until then, half of eating healthfully- maybe more - is all about the thoughts.  Our self-talk is powerful!

I wrote a quote down a while ago that goes along with this:
"If you hate being fat, start hating the thinking and behavior that made it so." 
Change comes from the inside-out.

I have found this to be
one of the most difficult things to change
and it takes vigilance to stay on top of any negative thoughts that creep in whether it's from
old habits,
an incorrect self-image,
or triggers from the environment.

If you've been "trying" to lose weight, stop and listen to your self-talk throughout the day. I say it's difficult, but the funny thing is, it's completely within our control.  Self-talk can work in a positive way, too!


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