Friday, May 7, 2010

Tummy Time Trick

I've noticed Braden's lower half is stronger than his arms. I've helped him find his legs by putting my arm under his feet for him to stand - at first when he was mad because he would get stiff and rigid, but now he does it all the time. But he hasn't been that interested in finding his arms to push up...
Well, here is a great idea:
putting a mirror up so the baby wants to see that friend.

I couldn't believe how well this worked. Braden was easily there for more than 5 minutes, not complaining once. He occasionally took a moment to rest, even closing his eyes until he was ready to try again.


Stephanie Hardin said...

How precious he is! I just want to squeeze him! What a good idea, too.

Stacy said... far away :(