Tuesday, January 24, 2012

3 Heartbeats 2-Year Anniversary

Sometimes I let guilt get to me too much.  But the other day while I was wallowing in my "too many projects left undone" guilt - especially the scrapbooking -journals-pictures-letters projects, I realized that this blog is that for me.  Here I'm able to document our life, share it with family and friends, and it takes up virtually no space.  Okay, now I'm feeling the weighty responsibility and if anything, I need to do this more often.  (Wow, I can turn anything around into guilt!  What. is. my. problem?)

My blog is 2 years old now.  And while that's not long, it is fun to look back over those two short years and look at how much the children have grown.  So here are a few stats and fun stuff about the last 2 years:

Total Posts: 145

Highest number of comments in one post: 7

Most Viewed Post: Ice Cube Painting - only because  someone pinned it - but seriously, look how young Hailey looks!  That was only a year and a half ago!

Some Favorite Posts of the Past 2 Years:

2-6-10 Mommy Kisses - Thank goodness Braden likes my kisses now!  He gets enough of them!

5-17-10 Ballet - Now she is in Hip Hop shoes and bare feet for Gymnastics.  No toe shoes.... How quickly things change.

5-24-10 The Conclusion - I would forget things like this so easily.  I've got to post more things that the kids say!

6-8-10 One Little Monkey... - Look how effortless she makes this look!  Hailey is so strong!

6-14-10 Live, Laugh, Love....Blow Raspberries - I had already forgotten that we called Braden "Skuttle."  Thanks for your comments Stephanie - I usually need an extra push or two to write more details.

11-10-11 Braden's Doll - This one still makes me smile every time!

So here's to
more memories,
more posts,  
and definitely a whole lot
less guilt!

Leave a comment if you have any favorite posts!  Does anyone have a picture from my posts that stand out most in your memory?

1 comment:

Stephanie Hardin said...

I wish I had been keeping a blog like this for our fMily. You are on the cutting edge of technology how can you feel guilty?
I'm on my iPod and it's a bit hard to surf through your pages but my favorite thing you've done is the Cousins and Chaos video! Love love love!