Thursday, April 12, 2012

Time Out

Braden is at an interesting stage. 

It takes several hours to complete a dishwasher and washer machine load. 
You see, they have many buttons and these machines just scream
 "Push my buttons!!!" 
So Braden pushes them. 
 I truly think he's incapable of resisiting when it's at eye level.

Braden pushes the buttons on the ipod.
Occasionally he still throws his food on the floor.

He hits for attention. 
He hits to put off bedtime. 
 He hits so he can put himself in time out. 
Time out is simply a game to him.  A super fun game. 

What works with one child doesn't with the other. 

So it's natural that he loses computer time. 
The jury is still out when the connection will sink in for him.

I feel like I'm heading to a time out of sorts. 
For me that would be counting calories.  *sigh*

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