Friday, March 23, 2012

Cookbook by Easter!!!

{Ok.  So this week was not the best for me in the eating department so I am already starting to plan meals and snacks for next week.  I'm hoping that will make a difference.  My feet aren't doing horrible - of course, I'm about to get on the bike again, so maybe I shouldn't speak too soon, but exercising will be coming along.}

Now, about that cookbook:  I know one of the things that's so hard about it for me (besides the fact that I'm very good at procrastinating) - there is always another great recipe around the corner.  And now the Internet provides for any and all you could ever imagine.  But there are a few standard recipes I will always go for and so many were shared with me way back when that I want to try them as well.  So I plan on finishing the book by Easter.  I'll see then how much it will cost me to get them printed and bound.

I want to say a big *Thank You* to a few of you out there.  I obviously am not doing this for the comments and prestige but it does help to know that I'm not talking to myself.  So thank you for your letters, phone calls, and texts.  Your support and friendship are deeply appreciated!

Here are a couple plans for posts next week:
A Great Gift Idea from a Birthmother
A Super Easy and Healthy Make-Ahead Snack

I'll be back Monday!

Alright, on with the bike...

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