Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Speaking of my little busy bees....

When do kids sleep through the night?!  If it's not one, it's the other - or both - keeping me awake at night.  I'm a light sleeper and it can take a long time for me to fall back to sleep once awake.  Lack of sleep has been shown to mess up hormones that register hunger and fullness to the brain.  I know this is one of my big problems with weight, but it's not exactly something I can change, is it? Maybe being aware of it will help me?

I made my most filling meal this morning, it usually works like a charm to fill me up through lunch, but not so much today.  Part of me is just too tired to get up and make anything or to care.

Yesterday {Day 7}, being Valentine's Day went by in a blur of sugar and extra pain from a trip to the physical therapist.  I didn't track calories and now I wish I had because I'm curious how I did.  The only chocolate I had was one Dove dark chocolate from Hailey.  I didn't buy chocolate this year.  Now that is a major feat!  The third frosted pink lemonade cookie was probably a bit too much, though. : D  Thank goodness I gave the rest away!

Oh, and we made this delicious "Pink Drink." 

I poured mine in a very small glass and stopped. 

After seconds. 

The idea was something I saw on Pinterest (of course!).  We just mixed equal parts 7-up and pink lemondade with a little raspberry sherbert.  Yum!

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